Fuel Polishing

What is fuel polishing?

Even when you buy high-quality fuel with additive packages, keeping fuel clean is paramount so don’t waste your investment. Fuel polishing is the technical cleaning process used to remove or filter microbial contamination from fuel in storage or fuel in saddle tanks. It is essentially the removal of water, sediment and microbial contamination from such fuels as diesel, red diesel, and biodiesel.

Why use it?

The breaking down of fuel is a naturally occurring process. As fuel sits unused in storage it begins to break down creating pools of sludge, sediment, and water, causing microbial contamination. When left untreated, bad fuel will damage machinery and pumps, as well as cause engine failures. Once microbes find their way into fuel, they multiply rapidly, thus creating both immediate and unforeseen issues. Likewise, in saddle tanks temperature fluctuations cause condensation. Fuel is drawn from the saddle tank into a hot engine and what fuel remains unburned returns to a cold saddle tank causing further condensation. This water will begin to settle at the bottom of the tank and will over time reach the suction line and cause vehicle breakdown.

Creating a maintenance schedule of fuel polishing will clean up the mess that nature has caused. Our Fueling Polishing Agreement is a valuable and worry-free way to keep your fuel clean and contaminant free. Never again worry if your fuel will be ready to use when you need it.

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